My Green's Daily

Green Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss – MyGreensDaily

Not everyone is enthusiastic about boiled vegetables or a plate of fruit on the table. However, eating enough fruit and vegetables is essential to stay healthy and lose weight. A green smoothie can be a solution to such individuals. Green smoothie recipes for weight loss are healthy, tasty and can be prepared at home in no time.

This drink also fits well when we strive for a healthy body. Our health is primarily determined by what we eat and drink. The green smoothie is popular because of its health benefits, and it is not a hype.

Green Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss

Green Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss
(10 green smoothie recipes for quick weight loss, green smoothie recipes for weight loss)

A green smoothie initially scares you to drink, but it is not that green monster you think. Green smoothies get their vibrant color by adding leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and kale. They are considered the healthiest vegetables because of the many important nutrients present in them.

The mixed taste of this type of vegetables is very mild and can be well masked by the taste of fruits that you add. So a green smoothie not only looks healthy, it is actually healthy! A green smoothie probably contains more fruits and vegetables than most people eat on average per day.

Leafy vegetables play an important role in this because they have many anti-cancer properties and vitamins and minerals that stimulate the immune system. These foods also have low-calorie density.

That is, of course, interesting if you want to lose weight with the help of healthy smoothies. Adding consensed fruit juices and sugars is what you often see with unhealthy smoothies in the supermarket. That makes these smoothies unhealthy.

That makes sense if you combine ingredients such as ice cream, chocolate syrup, and pudding. It will make the taste delicious, but it is not good for blood sugar. However, that does not mean that smoothies cannot be right for you. With a green smoothie, you will not experience the ups and downs that you can notice with smoothies prepared with just fruits.

Adding fibre-rich vegetables will slow down the absorption of fruit sugars (fructose), giving you exactly the right amount of energy and nutrition, at a pace that your body likes. This way, you can give your smoothies a healthy makeover! Especially if you want to combine a healthy diet for slimming, then making a green smoothie is interesting.

Green smoothies are very suitable for getting rid of excess body pounds. When you plan to lose weight with green smoothies, you need to replace one or a maximum of two meals a day with a smoothie.

Right Ratio Of Fruits In Green Smoothies

To make a delicious green smoothie, you must follow some basic rules. A green smoothie consists of three basic elements, namely:

  • Leafy vegetable
  • Fresh fruit
  • Water or another liquid

An important basic rule is that you use a 50:50 ratio of adding vegetables and fruits in your smoothie. With a good blender, you can prepare green smoothies within minutes. Fill the blender for 50% with fruit and supplement the rest with 50% leafy vegetables. Fill the blender further with for example 2 glasses of water and the blender will do the rest.

Does the drink get too lumpy? Then add extra liquid. By replacing a meal every day with a smoothie, you ensure calorie restriction, while you get enough and varied nutrients. This is undoubtedly the case when you alternate between breakfast, lunch or dinner with a smoothie.

8 Green Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss

Below I have listed 8 delicious green smoothie recipes for weight loss. Making a tasty and healthy smoothie is more than just throwing some ingredients into the blender. We take you to step by step guide to make a perfect green smoothie. The recipes are tasty, healthy and help you lose weight. Try them out one by one and enjoy the healthy smoothies!

Green smoothies recipe #1: Broccoli smoothie with pineapple

What do you need:

200 gm of broccoli
2 stalks of celery
1 banana, peeled
150 gm pineapple
200 ml coconut water, unsweetened


Wash the broccoli with cold water and cut the broccoli florets into small pieces. Cut the white part from the bottom of the celery stalks and wash the stems and leaves thoroughly. Cut the stems into pieces and pull the hard veins off. You can also use a peeler for this.

Put the coconut water, the celery, and the broccoli in the blender. Mix until the smoothie is somewhat even. Add the peeled banana and frozen pineapple pieces to the smoothie. Blend the smoothie until it is drinkable.

Green smoothies recipe #2: Green snickers smoothie

What do you need:

2 bananas, peeled
200 gm spinach
4 tbsp peanut butter, with pieces of peanut
40 gm hazelnuts, unroasted and unsalted
400 ml soy milk, unsweetened
1 tbsp cocoa powder, raw


Add the soy milk, spinach and bananas to the blender together. Mix until the structure is even. Put the peanut butter, hazelnuts and cocoa in the blender. Blend briefly to the lowest power. This smoothie is best when it contains pieces.

Green smoothies recipe #3: Creamy fig with avocado

What do you need:

4 Medjool dates
160 gm figs, fresh
100 gm baby spinach
1 avocado
400 ml almond milk, unsweetened


Remove the seeds from the dates, remove the skin and seeds from the avocado. Wash the baby spinach and add the almond milk and baby spinach to the blender. Mix until the texture is even. Wash the figs with water and remove any hard pieces with a knife.
Put the remaining ingredients in the blender and mix until you are satisfied with the drinkability of the smoothie.

Green smoothies recipe #4: Smoothie with oatmeal and cocoa nibs

What do you need:

300 ml of water
100 gm spinach
1 banana
4 Medjool dates
4 tbsp oatmeal
2 tbsp cocoa nibs
2 tbsp hemp seed
2 tbsp grated coconut


If not already washed, wash the spinach and add it to the blender together with the water. Blend the substance until it is smooth. Add the oatmeal to the blender and blend it again. Peel the banana and remove the seeds from the medjool dates. Put both in the blender and mix the smoothie until it is drinkable. Pour the smoothie into two glasses. Sprinkle the cocoa nibs, grated coconut and the hemp seed over the smoothie.

Green smoothies recipe #5: Spinach with mango and ginger

What do you need:

200 gm of fresh spinach
150 gm mango cubes, frozen
1 tsp ginger
50 ml coconut milk, unsweetened
50 ml coconut water, unsweetened


Grate the ginger and chop the fresh spinach into smaller pieces. Add the spinach, mango cubes and ginger to the blender. Then pour the coconut milk and coconut water on top. Blend everything into a smooth drink and serve the smoothie in two glasses.

Green smoothies recipe #6: Shot of energy with carrot and ginger

What do you need:

250 gm of carrots
1/2 cucumber
250 gm of strawberries, fresh
2-3 oranges


Wash the carrots and the cucumber with water. Cut off the ends of the roots and then cut them into large pieces. Do the same with the cucumber. The cucumber does not have to be peeled. Peel the oranges, break them into segments and add them to the blender.

Add the carrots and cucumber, and blend until it gets smooth. Peel the ginger and cut it into small pieces. Wash the strawberries with water and remove the crowns. Put the whole strawberries and ginger in the blender. Let the smoothie mix until it is easy to drink.

Green smoothies recipe # 7: Papaya paradise

What do you need:

1 papaya
1 banana
100 gm of baby spinach
1 lime
100 ml coconut water, unsweetened
5 ice cubes


Remove the seeds and peel from the papaya. Peel the banana and cut it in half. Put the papaya and the banana in the blender and add a generous hand of baby spinach. Cut the lime in half and squeeze both halves in the blender. Add 100 ml of coconut water and place 5 ice cubes on top of the other ingredients. Blend everything well together until a smooth smoothie is created.

Green smoothies recipe #8: Sweet cucumber surprise

What do you need:

6 carrots
1 cucumber
50 gm pineapple, in pieces
3 sprigs of coriander
150 ml of water


First, put the water in the blender. Clean the carrots and cut them into pieces. Then add them to the water. Also, wash the cucumber well and cut into smaller pieces to add them. Then add the pineapple pieces. Only use the leaves and the upper part of the stalks of the coriander. Finely chop this and add it to the blender.
Allow to mix for about 2 minutes and then serve in 2 glasses.

Best Smoothie Powders To Lose Weight

There is no doubt that these recipes will give you some of the most delicious and healthy smoothies to stay healthy and lose weight. But for most of us, it could be a hectic job to prepare smoothies at home. Therefore, for such individuals, green smoothie powders could be a great option. Smoothie powders like Amazing Grass and Athletic Greens are some of the best in the market to prepare healthy and tasty smoothie by just adding a scoop of powder to water or milk.


My Recommended Smoothie Powder To Lose Weight


Nina J. Yohe J. Yohe

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