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How Green Superfood powder works: The Science Explained

You don’t really need a study that has been peer-reviewed to tell you that eating vegetables is good for your health. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that it’s beneficial to consume 400 grams of fruits and vegetables every day. However, many people struggle to meet this recommendation and instead turn to using green powders as a way to supplement their diet.

These greens or veggie powders are often marketed as a way to get all the micronutrients, fibers, and minerals without the hassle of cooking or worrying about fresh produce going bad in your refrigerator. The real question is: Do these green powders actually live up to their claims?

Can one single supplement truly improve digestion, boost immunity, enhance performance and recovery, and increase focus all at once? This is the question we’re trying to find an evidence-based answer to.

What exactly are green powders?

green powders

Green powders are supplements that contain fruits, grains, and grasses mixed with probiotics, digestive enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, plant extracts, fibers, and sometimes even caffeine. These supplements often have blends specific to each company, and they don’t disclose the exact amounts of ingredients to consumers.

Polyphenols, which are naturally occurring compounds, in plants have been found to offer protection against a range of health issues, including cardiometabolic diseases and cancers.

Although there is research on green powders, studies on similar products like powdered fruit and vegetable blends or concentrates can provide insights into the potential health benefits of green powders. These supplements have the ability to complement a diet. May have similar effects as refreshing smoothies.

Potential Benefits of Greens Powders

Manufacturers often promote green powders as a source of nutrition and antioxidants that can provide benefits from consuming multiple servings of fruits and vegetables. These powders contain nutrients that the body can easily absorb, potentially affecting aspects of health like lowering stress, boosting immune function, and supporting cardiovascular health.

Several studies have shown that the nutrients present in fruit and vegetable concentrates are bioavailable, meaning they can be detected in the bloodstream after supplementation. Participants in these studies consistently show increased levels of carotenoids, lutein, lycopene, folate, vitamin C, and vitamin E in their blood.

Using green powders as supplements has demonstrated potential for improving biomarkers. For example, it often leads to increased concentrations of vitamins C and E, which act as antioxidants. Some studies have also noticed a decrease in levels of protein carbonyl. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) suggests a reduction in oxidative stress.

Also, some studies have shown that eating green powder lowers the level of the marker tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF Ì‘), though it is not as clear how this affects C-reactive protein (CRP) levels.

Elevated levels of homocysteine are considered a risk factor for disease, and consuming fruit and vegetable concentrates in folate can assist in lowering homocysteine concentrations. Additionally, one study found an increase in plasma dopamine concentrations after supplementation, indicating an improvement in focus and cognitive function. However, it’s important to note that this finding has not been consistently replicated or confirmed.

In summary, green powders contain nutrients that may have an impact on various aspects of health. They could potentially improve biomarkers associated with stress, while their folate content can aid in reducing levels. Nonetheless, further research is necessary to comprehend their effects on inflammation, cognitive function, and other health factors.

Possible Drawbacks of Greens Powders

In the realm of ingredients, like herbs and plant extracts, there is often a belief that they’re inherently safe since they come from nature and can be purchased without a prescription. However, it’s important to acknowledge that this assumption isn’t always accurate.

Green powders, similar to supplements, are regulated to ensure safety. However, there is a risk of contamination and the chance that they may not be as effective as desired.

Even if you choose a product with a strong track record of evidence-based testing for purity, it’s crucial to take medication interactions into account, especially when using certain herbal ingredients.

When it comes to metabolism, immune function, and inflammation, a study conducted on women discovered that using a concentrate made from fruits and vegetables for 16 weeks, followed by replacing their regular breakfast with a similar meal replacement shake for four weeks, led to higher fasting glucose levels in those who made the switch. This might suggest a decrease in insulin sensitivity. Interestingly, no improvements were observed in metabolic or immune markers. It’s worth mentioning that this particular study contradicted the majority of studies showing outcomes in these areas.

The measurement of lipid and DNA oxidation—markers used to assess stress—often yields results. Sometimes these markers show no change after supplementation, while other times improvements are seen both in the treatment group and the placebo group. Despite an increase in levels of vitamins C and E following supplementation, overall antioxidant capacity rarely sees improvement.

When it comes to performance and recovery, a comprehensive analysis that looked at the impact of foods, juices, and concentrates in polyphenols on exercise recovery and muscle damage found that the data quality was moderate to low due to potential biases in the studies. These types of foods didn’t show effects on indicators of inflammation or muscle damage. According to contraction and lower body power, they only contributed to improvements in easing muscle soreness and promoting recovery.

Currently, there isn’t any evidence suggesting that green powders directly enhance performance. There is no recommendation for athletes to include them in their routines.

For digestion and gut health, individuals with intolerances may find it helpful to use an enzyme when consuming dairy products. However, the use of enzymes is limited due to research and a narrow window of time during which they maintain their specific functions. While there is some evidence suggesting that certain enzymes could potentially alleviate osteoarthritis pain, more research is needed to confirm these claims. Moreover, claims related to health lack support.

The effects of probiotics vary depending on the strain used and offer a range of well-established benefits. To put it simply, if you’re taking an assortment of probiotics, you might not be using the one that actually works for your gut health goals. Even if you have the strain, the dosage or formulation may not be sufficient because it lacks a coating to survive the harsh stomach acid and unfriendly environment of the small intestine.

The aforementioned breakfast replacement shake consisted of a blend of insoluble fiber meant to provide prebiotics and digestible carbohydrates for the benefit of gut microbes. While this shake did increase the presence of a fatty acid called butyrate, it’s likely due to the additional prebiotic fiber rather than something specific to this particular shake. It’s worth noting that there were no changes in the gut microbiome.

Quality and Safety Concerns

Unlike prescription or over-the-counter drugs, supplements do not undergo FDA testing for safety, efficacy, or purity before they are sold.

There have been instances where certain supplement blends marketed for weight loss and nutritional support have been linked to liver damage, known as hepatotoxicity, when used excessively. Furthermore, some manufacturers have included banned ingredients from organizations like the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in their products without disclosing them on their labels.

Taking large amounts of vitamins or minerals might not be considered contamination. Its important to remember that more isn’t always better when it comes to micronutrients. For instance, consuming vitamin C can lead to unpleasant side effects, like diarrhea. However, consistently going over the recommended limits of iron or vitamin A can result in health problems. Additionally, since the specific ingredients in blend formulations aren’t disclosed on the packaging, supplements could potentially contain doses that have little to no significant effect.

Interactions with Prescription Drugs

Around 20% to 25% of people in the United States choose to supplement their prescription medications with supplements. It’s crucial to be aware that certain supplements can greatly affect how prescription drugs are absorbed, excreted, or even how effective they are.

Multiple studies involving humans and clinical reports have shown that goldenseal and St. John’s Wort pose a risk of interfering with prescription medications. While the risk is relatively lower, herbs like cohosh, cranberry, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, milk thistle, saw palmetto, and valerian may also interact with certain prescriptions. Therefore, it is extremely important to inform your doctor and pharmacist about any supplements you are taking so they can identify any interactions.

Before you decide to buy green powders or any other type of supplement, it’s crucial to take into account a few factors and educate yourself on how to choose the brand.

Claims without evidence

Supplement manufacturers often suggest that their products support functions like digestion or immune health, even though they can’t directly claim to prevent, treat, or cure diseases. These suggestions are usually based on ingredients such as probiotics for digestion or vitamin C for support.

Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not require manufacturers to back up their claims with human studies, they do advise it. This ensures a level of protection against false statements. Provides some assurance for consumers.

What will you gain or spend?

When considering the health benefits of a green powder, it’s important to compare its cost with the cost of consuming a certain amount of fruits and vegetables. The WHO (World Health Organization) generally advises consuming at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables each day, even though green powder cannot completely replace food. Research has shown that the risk of diseases decreases with each serving of 200 grams of fruits and vegetables consumed daily, reaching a reduction when consuming 800 grams per day.

If your usual diet already meets these recommendations, adding extra plant-based foods may not offer advantages. Studies have shown no improvements in biomarkers for individuals who already consume fruits and vegetables, even if their intake is below the WHO guidelines. However, it’s worth noting that these studies have a limitation: participants need to avoid consuming fruits and vegetables for a period before taking supplements to observe any benefits.

On the other hand, if your current diet lacks an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables, incorporating a green powder might be beneficial. It’s important to consider that green powders often come with a price tag when you calculate the nutrients per gram. While some fruit and vegetable blends can cost less than $1 USD per serving, specific green powders can be priced at over $3.00 USD per serving. To put it into perspective, a single serving of an apple weighing 200 grams costs 22 cents.


Powdered blends of fruits and vegetables can provide a boost for those who don’t consume enough of these foods. However, they should not be seen as a replacement for food. The existing research primarily focuses on one brand of fruits and vegetables, which leaves uncertainty regarding the effects of other blends.

If you don’t manage to meet the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, it might be helpful to include a green powder in your diet. However, opting for fruits and vegetables could yield the same results, potentially at a lower cost. The proprietary blends found in these products may not offer any benefits while increasing the expense. Moreover, if you use a product that hasn’t undergone third-party testing for purity, you might unknowingly consume substances.

Green powders do have their advantages. Can be useful when fresh produce isn’t available. However, if you’re looking for a supported and cost-effective approach with minimal risks, starting with something as simple as eating an apple every day might be the best choice.


Edward Redmond

Meet Edward Redmond, the Nutrition expert and founder of, where "Nutrition Wise" is the guiding motto. With 11 years of experience, he focuses on superfoods, diet meals, and keto diets. A devoted family man, certified gym trainer, and avid herbalist, Edward is a respected authority, inspiring countless individuals on their journey to better health.

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