Discover How A Grocery Store Panic Attack
Led a Nutritionist to Uncover The
Chocolate Nectar Recipe
From Pre-Ancient Aztec and Mayan Times That Women Across The U.S. Are Using To
Get Relief From Their PMS...

And How You Can Too

"I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who can cry over a Hallmark commercial and then get irrationally angry at a toaster for not working."

"I don't even recognize myself during PMS."

"I feel like a prisoner in my own body."

If you say things like this to yourself when PMS has you in its nasty clutches, believe me, sister, I've been there, and know how you feel.

Shanais Pelka

Shanis Pelka

Nutrition Scientis & Health Researcher

Hi, I'm Shanais Pelka, a nutrition scientist, health researcher, and mother of 3, and I'm here to tell you no matter how much you feel like PMS has control over you, you can regain control over it.

Now I know what you're probably going through.

That feeling of being out of control of your own body, the emotions that come with it, and the fear of what might happen if you don’t get it under control...

Like when you suddenly realize you’re being completely irrational, yet still get angry when people point out you’re being irrational.

I know how hard it is. Trust me I do.

Yet as difficult as PMS can be, I have some good news for you. You don’t have to suffer through PMS anymore. You can finally take back control of your body, your emotions, and your life.

And in just a moment, I'm going to share with you exactly how you can finally take control of your PMS...

And regain control of your body, and your life... By using a simple yet incredibly delicious chocolate nectar recipe dating back to before the Ancient Aztec civilization.

And something the Mayans 3,000 ago called "The Drink of the Gods"...

Something women have been using for centuries upon centuries to balance their bodies during PMS.

I promise this Ancient pre-Aztec chocolate nectar recipe flies in the face of what you've probably been told before to ease symptoms of PMS...

Because it helps address one of the root causes of PMS that no one seems to talk about...

Something called "The Saponin Slump", which I'll tell you more about in just a second.

This Ancient pre-Aztec chocolate nectar works no matter what you've tried before...

And can help you live the life you deserve.

Gone are the days of feeling bloated, irritable, and anxious. You're no longer held back by the limitations of PMS, and you can fully embrace all the joys life has to offer.

You can wear whatever you want without worrying about how it will fit, and you can eat what you love without fear of triggering symptoms.

You feel grateful for the relief and freedom that comes with being in control of your PMS. You no longer have to dread certain times of the month, and you can plan your life with confidence, knowing that your body is working with you instead of against you.

Your relationships have improved as well. Your partner sees you as the confident and sexy person you truly are, and your children are thrilled to be around you. You're able to fully show up for the people in your life and enjoy all the moments that matter.

Life is brighter and more vibrant when you're free from the grip of PMS. Anything is possible, and you're able to pursue your dreams with renewed vigor and passion. The world is your oyster, and you're ready to seize it with both hands.

That's what's possible for you when you use this Ancient pre-Aztec chocolate nectar recipe...

That's how powerful it is.

And in just a bit I’ll share how you can join a community of women just like you, who've used this Ancient pre-Aztec chocolate nectar recipe to take control of their PMS, and not only got their lives back...

But are now living their best lives, thriving, and feeling beyond confident in their own skin.

Women like Anotella C. who said,

I decided to give this a try because lately I had noticed that my hormones were out of whack! And I’m not talking about mood swings, but PMS, loss of appetite, irregular periods, ovarian pain for the last 2 months.

I started 3 weeks ago. The first thing I noticed after 3-4 days was that the pain in my ovaries disappeared. However, the ultimate test to see if it really worked was not having cramps during my period and I can happily say that I didn’t have to take any painkillers this time!.

Or Sara, who said

I had ZERO PMS symptoms this month, which is unheard of!!

But first I need to let you know how I came across this Ancient pre-Aztec chocolate nectar in the first place, when I almost died in my early 20s.

Hi, my name is Shanais Pelka, M.S., M.Ed, MBA.

I've had the privilege of working at a pediatric practice where I treated kids and families with issues such as autism and heavy metal poisoning...

Whose hormones were all out of balance...

Taught at colleges...

And helped formulate health products for some major health brands.

I've always believed that we have the power to heal ourselves and feel it's my mission to empower women just like you to have the tools to heal yourself.

Now when I was in college, my hormones were all over the place...

Plus I was struggling with PMS symptoms on top of that...

And I didn't recognize who I was.

My Breaking Point Started When I was A Junior In College, Getting Ready To Go To Medical School,
When I Learned I Was Pregnant, And Almost Died.

I got so sick that doctors put me on heavy duty antibiotics, which nearly killed me.

I had blood coming out of my nose, ears, and tongue, and I had no platelets.

The doctors couldn't help me, and I realized that I had to take control of my own health if I was going to be the mother I wanted to be.

This realization led me down a path of studying alternative healing methods, many of which I practice to this day.

Now after my near death experience,
my hormones were seriously out of balance...

Especially my progesterone and estrogen, which made my PMS that much more painful.

In fact, my hormones were so messed up, that I was having panic attacks every day...

And would get freaked out by the smallest things.

I couldn't even get up the stairs. My panic attacks were just that bad.

But the final straw came one day when I was in the grocery store.

I'd gotten panic attacks in the grocery store before...

And if my baby wasn't with me, forget about it, I was in for a rough time.

The stares of the other people in the grocery store stabbed me like daggers.

I couldn't catch my breath, and couldn't tell what was worse:

The panic attack...

The embarrassment I felt with all those eyes locked on me like a laser...

Feeling trapped in a prison of self-consciousness...

Or the fear that I may never feel "normal" again.

I knew at that moment that I was going to find a way to rebalance my hormones...

So I could not only get my life and myself back...

But so no women would have to suffer like I did.

As I dove into research, I came across a lot of things you've probably heard before...

Like the importance of diet and stress management when it comes to supporting healthy hormone levels.

And while things like stress, diet, and exercise can have a big impact on PMS and managing PMS symptoms...

There are little known hormone balancing compounds found in certain plants...

Called saponins, that can be the key to unlocking a life free from the burdens of PMS...

Especially if stress management techniques like meditating, or OTC pain relief products haven't given you the PMS relief you've been craving.

Let me explain.

One of the main reasons women struggle with PMS you may have heard of before is hormone imbalance...

Especially lower progesterone levels, and higher estrogen levels.

Now OTC pain relief products simply mask the symptoms of PMS...

Like trying to put a bandaid on a broken leg...

And at best, they may help relieve some of the physical symptoms of PMS...

Like that God-awful cramping...

But do nothing to help us settle our minds, moods and our emotions.

Meditation can help us calm our minds temporarily...

But doesn’t always do a ton for the cramping, bloating, or potential changes in our skin or weight we experience when that dreaded time rolls around.

Our hormone levels, on the other hand,
can help handle all of this...

Yet it's not as simple as just taking
progesterone or a progesterone-like pill to try
and boost our progesterone levels...

While we hoard motrin and cling to our heating pads for dear life.

Sure, some folks might suggest taking outside progesterone or a synthetic progesterone substitute. Which might make sense in theory, only the problem is, if you start taking progesterone…

Then your body can potentially stop making its own progesterone, throwing your hormones even more out of balance, making your PMS symptoms even more unbearable.

Which makes sense, right? If your body is already getting progesterone from one source, then it won’t see a need to make it itself. 1,2

Here’s where saponins come into play.

Progesterone is a naturally occurring steroid, and no, I'm not talking about what bodybuilders take. When I say steroid I just mean hormone.

This way, raising your saponin levels...

You can get the benefits of more balanced progesterone and estrogen levels, without throwing your natural hormone balance out of whack.

On top of that...

Studies show that taking progesterone may not actually raise progesterone levels significantly...

And that certain common synthetic progesterones can even have an effect on brain health.4

While saponins, on the other hand...

And according to researchers at Cornell...

Can even help the body better absorb critical nutrients.5,6,7

Now I do have to point out something
really important here.

While some foods do have saponins in them,
research shows that cooking these foods
actually gets rid of the saponins... 8

Which led me to discovering "the Saponin Slump"...

Since many women don't have enough saponins in their bodies from the foods they eat...

Resulting in their PMS having free reign over them, their bodies, and their lives.

Think of it this way, balancing PMS hormones with raised saponin levels is like a symphony, each hormone playing its part in perfect harmony.

No hormone is trying to outshine the other...

And they can effortlessly play beautiful music, with nothing keeping them from doing exactly what they're meant to do.

Now given how powerful saponins can be at taking control of PMS...

While giving you your body and your life back..


I knew there had to be a way for women
just like you to boost your saponin levels...

And kick those frustrating PMS symptoms to the curb.

Especially since we only get saponins from the food we eat...

But every time we cook foods that have saponins in them, we get rid of these hormone balancing...

PMS soothing super nutrients.

So I set out to uncover ways women just like us
could enjoy all the nourishing, PMS relieving benefits of saponins...

Without having to worry about cooking them out whenever we ate.

What I discovered next was life changing.

There's a rare herb called Shatavari, that has a long history of traditional use in Ayurvedic medicine, which is the traditional medical system of India.

It's believed to have been used as early as 3000 BCE...

Goes by a few nicknames, including the “queen of herbs”, the “elixir of life”...

And most commonly, “she who possesses a hundred husbands,” as it supports overall body balance and decreases the aches and pains of PMS.

Shatavari is rich in saponins, one of many reasons it's been used to support reproductive health, improve digestion, support the immune system, and promote a healthy inflammatory response...

All of which take us out of the Saponin Slump and the brutal clutches of PMS...

And into blissful hormonal harmony and balance.9

While searching for saponin-rich plants I came across another PMS soother
called Chaste Tree Berry.

Chaste Tree Berry, like Shatavari, is loaded with saponins, and has been used by women for thousands of years.

In the 5th century BCE, in Ancient Greece, Hippocrates, considered the founder of modern medicine...

Recommended its use to support reproductive health. It was also used in ancient Egypt to support the health of women and was used in various religious ceremonies there. In the Middle Ages, it was used to support chastity and was believed to have magical properties.

It's also used to balance hormones, particularly progesterone and estrogen...

And helps the body raise its own levels of progesterone.

It's also been shown to help clear up hormone-related acne.

Chaste Tree Berry is an adaptogenic plant, which helps the body respond to and cope with stress.

Its active compounds stimulate the release of the “happy hormone” dopamine and reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone...10,11,12

Which as I mentioned before, can be a major contributor to PMS symptoms.

So with all of these PMS soothing benefits...

It's no wonder women have been using
Chaste Tree Berry for thousands of years to
support their hormonal health...

And effectively manage their PMS symptoms.

Now once I started taking Shatavari with Chaste Tree Berry...

I won't lie to you...

Things started getting better.

The more I incorporated them into my daily routine...

The more confident I felt, and more in control of my emotions I was.

The cramps that used to derail my entire week...

Disappeared seemingly into thin air.

I had more energy, was more productive...

Felt like I could be there for my family and friends without being held back by PMS...

No longer experienced the wild mood swings that could impact my relationships...

And most importantly, I was comfortable and secure in my own skin, even during my period.

I didn't freak out whenever "that time of the month" came around, because I knew I was prepared.

I knew I was giving my body what it
needed to support my hormones, and make
my time way more bearable.

Now don't get me wrong, I was practically jumping for joy at how much better I felt...

And how much the people close to me noticed a difference...

Like the real me was finally back...

But that doesn't mean my discovery was perfect.

In fact, far from it.

There were a couple things that needed to change, and fast.

For one, as much as I was doing so much better when my cycle rolled around...

It wasn't perfect.

I still snapped at my kids every now and then if they were acting up...

And the lifelong student in me knew
there had to be a way to supercharge
my saponin levels...

To take even more control over my PMS.

On top of that, Shatavari and Chaste Tree Berry...

They didn't taste so great.

In fact, they were pretty gross.

So I dove back into the research...

Determined to find a way to not only make the Saponin Slump a thing of the past when it was my time of the month...

But to make these Saponin Soothers taste much better.

So that I...

And people just like you...

Would no longer have to worry about cramping, mood swings, fatigue, and feeling insecure in our own skin ruin...

Our relationships...

Or our lives.

It took a lot of time, effort, energy, and money...

But now, I’m happy to say that you can get your hands on this Saponin Slump busting breakthrough...

At a price anyone can afford.

So if you’ll let me, I’d like to tell you about it.

I’m incredibly proud to introduce you to...

A decadent and delicious first of its kind natural chocolate drink, including the Saponin Slump busting rockstars Shatavari and Chaste Tree Berry...

To help raise saponin levels, support management of PMS symptoms...

Promote healthy hormone levels and a healthy cycle...

While also supporting mood and overall balance and wellness.

The PMS support from Harmony is unlike anything else I've seen...

And I've been a health researcher working with other women for over 20 years.

Now as effective as Shatavari and Chaste Tree Berry are
at supporting PMS management...

They're only two of 12 PMS supporting
nutrients in Organifi Harmony!

That's right, there are 10 more PMS and hormone balance supporting nutrients in every serving of Organifi Harmony on top of Shatavari and Chaste Tree Berry.

The first of which is a rare form of Cacao, called Organic Criollo Cacao...

First used 5,300 years ago by the Mayo-Chinchipe civilization in Ecuador over one thousand years before the Aztec civilization..

And considered by the Mayans as The Drink of the Gods...

For its delicious chocolate flavor and ability to help balance the body.

Now Criollo is an amazing ingredient for your time of the month. This 3,000 year old drink is a natural mood-booster, supports a healthy response to inflammation...

AND it's what gives Organifi Harmony its delectable chocolate taste that you can indulge in on its own...

Or enjoy mixed into your morning coffee.

It's packed with antioxidants (even more than many berries) & the “bliss molecule” (anandamide) to support the feeling of balance. 13,14,15

Next comes Organic gelatinized Maca, from the Andes of Peru...

Which has been used to support hormone levels, improve reproductive health, while enhancing energy, alertness, fertility and libido.

Next up is Organic Stinging Nettle Leaf, an incredibly nourishing plant that replenishes the vitamins we crave during menstruation, providing a high concentration of Vitamin A, C, and Iron.

Plus Organic Turmeric, Ginger, and Ceylon Cinnamon...

To even further help promote a healthy inflammatory response, plus healthy digestion.

And since added sugars can sometimes cause PMS symptoms to flare up...

Organifi Harmony is sugar free...

With Organic Stevia, Organic Coconut Milk, and Organic cocoa powder as the only sweeteners...

Yet still giving it that delicious, creamy, decadent, chocolatey flavor...

So you can sip it in peace, knowing you're giving your body all the love and nourishment it needs when you're looking for bliss and balance the most.

Every morning you can experience the peace wash over you as you sip this scrumptious and calming chocolate beverage...

Soothing, balancing and nourishing your body in the ways the ancient practitioners did...

Instead of taking in synthetic chemicals and pills that can potentially do more harm than good.

With all 12 Saponin Slump busting...

PMS soothing nutrients in a delicious AND nutritious combination...

It’s no surprise that women across the country are turning to Organifi Harmony to get out of the Saponin Slump...

And get the most out of their bodies and themselves, especially during their cycles...

So they can be at their best...

And say goodbye to feeling exhausted, uncomfortable, frustrated, stressed and overwhelmed.

Because not only is Organifi Harmony chock full of the ideal ratio of nutrients for PMS and hormone support...

But every serving is made in a cGMP certified and FDA registered facility in the United States...

Meaning that every single serving of Organifi Harmony is made safely to the highest of standards...

Plus all the ingredients are tested by an independent third-party laboratory...

Where they analyze the ingredients...

To ensure that what's seen on the label is what’s actually inside.

But that’s still just the start...

People Can Trust Organifi Harmony Because It
Only Has Ingredients Backed By Real Research.

And I’ve never been prouder in my life than I am today...

To be speaking to the public about Organifi Harmony for the very first time.

Not only am I a natural health expert who reset her own hormone levels that were dangerously low...

And who's highly impressed at what my team here at Organifi has done...

But I’m the kind of woman who is extremely dedicated to helping people live happier, healthier lives.

Look, I realize how struggling with PMS...

The inability to be at your best when people are counting on you...

And feeling insecure in your own skin...

Can zap you of your peace of mind...

And make you feel like you’ll never be the same again.

Many Women Are Not Strangers
To This Struggle

For women who dread when it's their time of the month, because they know it can bring cramping, irritability, mood swings, and flat out uncertainty...

They know for themselves just how de-stabilizing this can be to their entire life...

Not only can it feel frustrating and torturous...

But it can leave them feeling hopeless.

  • warning icon
    It can affect relationships, a person’s work ethic, their job, their love life...
  • warning icon
    It can steal away a person’s confidence in themselves and their abilities...
  • warning icon
    And turn them into a monster to everyone they know...
  • warning icon
    Making them and their loved ones stressed, angry and resentful...

And it can possibly take over and control their entire lives if it doesn’t get taken care of.

Wouldn’t It Be Great To Live A “Normal” Life Again...

Especially if it meant not feeling forced to depend on ineffective methods for supporting hormones and a blissful cycle?

So you can not only balance, but master the millions of things you have going on...

So you can be there for yourself, and the people you love who depend on you...

While also saying goodbye to stress, and feeling overwhelmed...

Supporting your overall well-being...

Finally feeling like the real you again...

And so much more?

I know that struggling with these kinds of issues can make life feel difficult...

That’s the way many women told me they have felt about their own situations...

But that was before they added Organifi Harmony to their routine for themselves...

And testified about their experiences firsthand.

Harmony Review

*Results not typical and may vary.

Harmony Review

*Results not typical and may vary.

Harmony Review

*Results not typical and may vary.

Harmony Review

*Results not typical and may vary.

Harmony Review

*Results not typical and may vary.

Harmony Review

*Results not typical and may vary.

That’s Why I Truly Believe That So Many Women Can Benefit From Organifi Harmony...

Whether you currently feel like you can't get through the day without being burdened by the symptoms of PMS...

Don't feel like your normal self and just want to hide under a blanket until your period is over...

Or even if you just want to make sure your body has all the nourishment it needs so you can feel balanced and in control of your body...

The 12 powerful ingredients inside each serving of Organifi Harmony...

  • warning icon
    Can keep you out of the frustrating clutches of PMS and the Saponin Slump...
  • warning icon
    So you can take back control of your life and your body...
  • warning icon
    And be the best version of yourself, for yourself...
  • warning icon
    And the people you love who need you at your best.

So by now, many might be wondering:
How Do We Get Our Own Supply of Organifi Harmony Right Away...

And You Might Also Be Wondering...
How Much Should A Person Take Each Day?

The truth is that there are only limited supplies of Organifi Harmony available...

And that’s not a marketing gimmick or anything like that...

It’s the truth.


Organifi Harmony also contains:

No Sugar

No Starch

No Salt

No Wheat

No Corn

No Yeast

No Soy

No Lactose

No Colors

No Dyes...

Here at Organifi we must use the same exact ingredients inside every batch...

Which is neither cheap nor easy to do...

On top of that...

The increasing popularity of Harmony is putting a serious strain on production...

And thousands of women are quickly catching on to this brilliant breakthrough.

Which Means Out of Stocks Are Always A Risk...

And because of this...

My team at Organifi can only produce a limited amount of Harmony at any given time...

And since women of all ages are experiencing the benefits of Harmony...

They Keep Ordering Several Bags of Harmony At a Time...

Which makes it difficult for my team at Organifi to keep up with demand.

Now I couldn’t be happier with Harmony's growing popularity and success...

But the truth of the matter is...

Out-of-stocks are a very real risk.

With that being said though...

I also don’t want anyone else to continue to struggle with the effects of the Saponin Slump and frustrating PMS...

And feeling like a prisoner to their cycle, and the powerlessness and uncertainty that can bring.

Which is why in just a moment...

I’m going to share how to get a supply of Organifi Harmony today...

But before I do that, let me return to that second question:

How Much Organifi Harmony Should A Person Take Each Day?

This is actually pretty straight forward...

Just add 1 serving (1 scoop) to 8-10 oz of water or combine with your beverage of choice mix & enjoy...

Drink it once a day, ideally first thing in the morning...

And that’s literally all it takes!

The More Harmony Is Used, The Better Chance It Has At Promoting Hormonal Balance,
Cycle Support, and Bliss

Because while I feel confident saying Harmony is the most effective PMS and cycle supporting option I've ever come across...

It's not only for that time of month...

But taken daily...

These hormone balancing nutrients can build up in the body...

Not only helping the body protect itself against the frustrating symptoms of PMS...

But even giving you additional daily benefits throughout the month to help make you and your life even more vibrant.

Don't just take my word for it, though,
see what these women have to say
about their experience with Harmony:

Nicole Verified Reviewer
Actually has helped my hormones!

I can't say enough good things about this product. Not only is it delicious, but it really freaking works. I've struggled with many hormonal imbalance symptoms (hot flashes, irregular periods, mood swings, weight gain, etc.) and when I decided to replace my morning coffee with this product... so many symptoms began to clear up. I do not regularly Read more about review stating Actually has helped my hormones!leave reviews but truly was amazed to see my menstrual cycle come back after using this for a few weeks. There are more examples I can give about my own experience and I also want to callout I've changed some aspects of my lifestyle (giving up coffee was huge, ladies look into how coffee can mess with our hormones!). But there is no doubt in my mind that this product helped contribute to balancing things out. Try it and see for yourself, but check with your OBGYN first!

*Results not typical and may vary.

Deborah R. Verified Reviewer
Helps with nipple sensitivity

Don't much like getting this personal in a review but nipple sensitivity is really the only reason I take this product. They get so sore around that time of the month that the slightest unusual touch (not regular bra fabric touch) is extremely painful. No explanation for why is occurs only every now and again but thankfully Harmony helps when the Read more about review stating helps with nipple sensitivity situation rears it's ugly head.

*Results not typical and may vary.

Sara C.. Verified Reviewer
Personally not a HUGE fan of chocolate BUT

Personally I am not a huge fan of chocolate, but I drink/mix harmony with my morning cup of ☕️ coffee …. And it’s pretty delish. I did notice a difference in my PMS symptoms (without getting into too much detail). Needless to say I will continue drinking harmony.

*Results not typical and may vary.

With happy customers like this, what’s there not to love about Organifi Harmony?

It’s for all of these reasons that I personally recommend choosing at least 3 bags of Organifi Harmony (a 90 day supply)...

And 6 bags (a 180 day supply) for a chance at the absolute best hormone balancing, cycle and PMS support, and health possible.

Now given Organifi Harmony’s popularity...

It might not be around forever.

Especially since our manufacturer is struggling to keep up with demand.

Normally Organifi Harmony should retail $149 per bag...

But right now, through this website...

Readers Can Take Home Organifi Harmony Today At A Major Discount...

Yet still get all the mood and energy boosting, hormonal balance and cycle supporting super nutrients every day...

Plus, unlike some conventional PMS support options...

Organifi Harmony is non-habit forming...

Which is a huge relief to so many customers...

Because they love knowing they don’t have to fear getting hooked on pills or becoming dependent or anything like that.

Plus, on top of all of that...

Organifi Harmony doesn’t come with the nasty side effects that're found in so many other PMS support products like pain relievers or artificial hormones.

Which is absolutely HUGE!

When considering all of that...

$149 for Organifi Harmony is a really fair deal...

Plus, There Are All the Benefits Money Can’t Buy...

Like waking up each day with a huge burst of natural energy and zest for life...

Or being able to not only survive, but thrive during your time of the month...

When the people in your life need you the most... Or feeling like your normal self again, the best version of yourself...

Full of beautiful vibrancy and vitality.

Thinking of all of this...

$149 seems like a steal to me.

Yet despite all of that...

Readers today won’t pay anywhere close to $149 for a bag of Organifi Harmony today.

That’s because like I said before...

I want to help as many women as possible...

And my team at Organifi couldn’t agree more...

Which is why when ordered right now...

You can get your very own bag of Organifi Harmony for a one-time investment of just $69.95...

But that’s just the beginning...

I realize that many women may want to keep taking Organifi Harmony for years to come...

And the fact that there really are limited supplies available...

I can understand why they’d want to stock up on 6 bags of Organifi Harmony today.

It’s for this reason that the Organifi team has created a substantially discounted multi-bag plan...

Where you can stock up and save on 6 bags of Harmony...

For just $53 per bag...

Which is a savings of $600 when you order right now.

And Organifi is also going to give free shipping and handling...

Which is a $14.95 value.

But both the discount and the free shipping are for a limited time...

And only while supplies last.

So Choose The 6 bag Package
(Or Any Other Package That’s Right) Below...

And Secure An Order Today While There Are Supplies In Stock!

Buy 1 Pouch




Regular Price: $79.95

Add To Cart

+ $7.95 Shipping

Buy 3 Pouches




Regular Price: $239.85

Add To Cart

Free Shipping

*(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only )


After choosing a package...

You will be redirected to a 100% Secure and Encrypted Checkout Page...

And after that...

An order of Organifi Harmony will be on its way...

And should arrive within 5 business days from now.

So looking at the facts...

This Is One Of The Smallest,
Yet Most Critical Investments...
You May Ever Make For Your Health...

Something that can not only help you take back control of your body and your life...

But that can help you feel like you again, even when it's your time of the month...

So that you can start living your best life again.

A single bag of Organifi Harmony puts you on the path to overcoming the Saponin Slump and rebooting your hormone levels and health naturally...

Three bags guarantee you can keep taking Harmony without interruption...

And with 6 bags of Organifi Harmony...

Harmony lovers could set themselves up to be enjoying a more blissful and balanced life for many years to come.

So Go Ahead And Choose A Package of Organifi Harmony Now While There Are Still Supplies In Stock...

And Enjoy The Peace Of Mind That Comes With Supporting Your Health Today!

Buy 1 Pouch




Regular Price: $79.95

Add To Cart

+ $7.95 Shipping

Buy 3 Pouches




Regular Price: $239.85

Add To Cart

Free Shipping

*(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only )

Here’s why this investment should be so easy to make: Your Investment Today Is Also Covered By A

Here’s how it works...

Right now just place an order...

And say “maybe” to Organifi Harmony.

Then once you get your bags in a few short days from now...

Start taking your 1 serving a day...

And see how you feel.

Most of Harmony's loyal customers...

Fall in love with what Harmony can do for them!

There really is ZERO risk because of this guarantee...

And if for some reason Harmony isn’t working out...

And they’ll send a refund immediately.

No questions. No hassles.

Plus, there’s no need to return the bags of Harmony.

Keep them as a special “thanks” for trying out Harmony.

Which means there’s no downside here at all...

It’s a 100% risk-free investment that comes with tons of energy boosting and overall health benefits...

And there’s a full 60 days (2 full months) to see if Organifi Harmony is right for you.

Doesn’t It Make Sense To Feel and Experience Harmony As a Part of The Decision Making Process?

Then why not think it over while trying Harmony...

Since there’s no risk, and lots to gain!

So go ahead and try Harmony today, risk free...

And choose from one of the package options below right now...

To say “YES” to supporting your hormones and a healthy cycle...

And “YES” to living a happy and healthy life...

YES! It’s Time To Take Control of My PMSS...
And Secure My Supply Of Harmony Now!

Now It's Time To Make A Decision...

Please don’t ignore everything inside this letter...

And continue to experience the effects of PMS and The Saponin Slump...

Cramping, mood swings, self-consciousness, and frustration...

A decision like that would change nothing...

And it’s obvious that something must change here...

Especially when the people you love need you to be there for them...

Where you’re worried about whether or not you’ll be able to function as you want and need to...

Well that’s no life at all.

Especially now that I’ve shared the ingredients inside of Organifi Harmony...

And shown how powerful they are at helping fight against The Saponin Slump, and the evil clutches of PMS...

That’s why I want to make it easy to say “YES” to Harmony today...

So go ahead and claim an order of Harmony by choosing from one of the packages below.

So break free of frustration...

And choose a package right now...

And start living a healthier life.

Buy 1 Pouch




Regular Price: $79.95

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Buy 3 Pouches




Regular Price: $239.85

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*(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only )


  12. Gunther RT (ed.). De Materia Medica (of Dioscorides). English. 1933, Oxford